How can find where insects are live!

Hi friends, some friends and co-photographers often ask this question with me”where do you find insect for picture?”. Now we discuss about how to find insect easily. Check it and enjoy!

First thing, we don’t want to search insect because they are stay with you everywhere even they may walk front of you while you read this post. I already mentioned in many post insect are beautiful creature at the same time intelligent also. No matter how airtight you think your place of residence is, pests will always find way.

I often find insect in ▪︎▪︎▪︎>

1. My garden. In my garden lot of insect species are there. Actually i keep plants for insects.

Shield beetle in my garden. Shutterspeed 1/500s and ISO100

2. Old woods. Here wasp and beetle are there. So easily find that.

Look this beetle. It’s live in old wood. Shutterspeed 1/500s and ISO100

3. Under stone. So many beetle species and warm are there.

4. Cracked walls. Many ants are live here.

5. Under leaf and flowers. Small insect, butterflies, bees and lynx spider live and come on plants part.

Lynx spider is live on leaf. Shutterspeed 1/250s and ISO100

6. Store or old room. In my store room i find many spider species.

Found in my store room. Shutterspeed 1/1000s and ISO100

There is no place without insect in this world. So you just see around you, can find lot of insect guys.

Best time to capture insect photos is morning and evening. In morning time insects are very active and busy to search food. But in evening , they are take rest and be very inactive. So capture your photos in this time which one is comfortable to you.

I hope this post will useful for you.

Thank you!

Note: Aperture is fixed f1.7.

Published by Valarmathi

Hi to all. Welcome to my studio.I am valarmathi freelance photograher. Have experience in 2 years. I want to know about photography with creativity and would like to share about tricks and knowledge in photography through this blog. I hope you enjoy and learn.

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