Indoor mobile photography ideas

Hello guys, in this post upload for 5 indoor mobile photography ideas. This indoor photography ideas are easy and simple, we can take in our home within small time period. Let’s check it out all ideas here. When you read this page you can get good ideas for your indoor photography shot and if youContinue reading “Indoor mobile photography ideas”

Tricks for Casual and Attractive poses

Hello guys, In this post we just talk about four useful new tricks for level up your photoshoot. Not only tricks, poses also include. I know guys everyone want to give good pose for photoshoot. And your photoshoot should be wonderful one in your gallery. But why should we do everyone do. Do new and differently.Continue reading “Tricks for Casual and Attractive poses”

5 Photography ideas for Grocery!

Hi guys, 5 best ideas for grocery things. This is topic today. Here i say tips to take pictures and about shutterspeed, ISO, Aperture, perspective etc. Check it and enjoy! 1. Gralic: white color garlic so i used black background. Take Garlic is on black cloth. Shutterspeed is 1/321s and ISO100. Aperture is fixed isContinue reading “5 Photography ideas for Grocery!”

Snake gourd – from plant to snake gourd!

Hi guys, said manytime i maintain garden. In my garden lot of plant are there. Especially snake gourd plant start to give fruits(vegetable). So i think to share with you. Check it and enjoy! Snake gourd’s plant : This plant is easily grow habit, its rapid growing vine of the gourd family . And leafsContinue reading “Snake gourd – from plant to snake gourd!”

How can find where insects are live!

Hi friends, some friends and co-photographers often ask this question with me”where do you find insect for picture?”. Now we discuss about how to find insect easily. Check it and enjoy! First thing, we don’t want to search insect because they are stay with you everywhere even they may walk front of you while youContinue reading “How can find where insects are live!”

Flower picture with different perspectives!!

Hi guys, flower is beautiful things, i think Another name of Beautiful is Flower. We can’t express through word about flower. In tamil poem, every poet write their poem for flower, they compared flower with baby, finger of baby, women, her love etc. They will give lot of importance to flowers. I just say forContinue reading “Flower picture with different perspectives!!”


Hi guys, today we talk about grasshoppers. Grasshopper’s fact may be give you surprised and raise curiosity to learn. Here i mentioned few fact about grasshoppers. Check it and enjoy! 1. Grasshopper has 3 stages. Egg—> Nymphs—> Adult. 2. There are around 11,000 known species of grasshoppers found around world. 3. Grasshopper has 2 antennaes,Continue reading “Grasshopper”

Ideas of cereals and grains photographs!!!

Hi guys, search topic to talk with you, abruptly blub glow in my mind. Take photos of cereals and grains. Yah! Today captured some cereals and grains photos. Tell some idea about shoot. Check it and enjoy! Finger millet : Everyone know finger millet is cute red color and seem like small dot. I usedContinue reading “Ideas of cereals and grains photographs!!!”

About Box bugs (Gonocerus acuteangulatus)

Hi guys, today i share with you about box bugs and few factaboutbox bugs, collect some pictures of box bugs. Check it and enjoy!! 1. Box bugs are live in mainly dry and warm environment. 2. Adult bug size is 11 to 14mm. These bugs are reddish-brown color but Nymphs are beautiful green color. TheirContinue reading “About Box bugs (Gonocerus acuteangulatus)”

How to create own wallpaper for your phone part 2

Hello guys, our phone has wallpaper that may be download or default image. Why should not make our way for our phone’s wallpaper. That’s simple. I share with you some ideas for wallpaper. Check it and try! Corn wallpaper: corn are very tasty and good color. And it’s richin fiber. I try this perspective. YouContinue reading “How to create own wallpaper for your phone part 2”

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