How can find where insects are live!

Hi friends, some friends and co-photographers often ask this question with me”where do you find insect for picture?”. Now we discuss about how to find insect easily. Check it and enjoy! First thing, we don’t want to search insect because they are stay with you everywhere even they may walk front of you while youContinue reading “How can find where insects are live!”

What is the purpose of insect Antennae!

Hi guys, unfortunately one idea come in my mind. Why insect antennae everytime make dance when my camera goes nearly with insect. I search it, now want to share with you. Check it and enjoy !! Why do insect antennae move often? Insect antennae is one pair, two antennae joint in every insect head. ItContinue reading “What is the purpose of insect Antennae!”


Hi guys, today we talk about grasshoppers. Grasshopper’s fact may be give you surprised and raise curiosity to learn. Here i mentioned few fact about grasshoppers. Check it and enjoy! 1. Grasshopper has 3 stages. Egg—> Nymphs—> Adult. 2. There are around 11,000 known species of grasshoppers found around world. 3. Grasshopper has 2 antennaes,Continue reading “Grasshopper”

About Box bugs (Gonocerus acuteangulatus)

Hi guys, today i share with you about box bugs and few factaboutbox bugs, collect some pictures of box bugs. Check it and enjoy!! 1. Box bugs are live in mainly dry and warm environment. 2. Adult bug size is 11 to 14mm. These bugs are reddish-brown color but Nymphs are beautiful green color. TheirContinue reading “About Box bugs (Gonocerus acuteangulatus)”

Why ants are wait behind treehopper!

Hi guys, today i share about what i saw afternoon,what i captured today. Yes i saw treehopper with ant queue. Why? Treehopper’s food is plant juice. Treehoppers suck plant juice after digest it poop out a surgery waste called Honeydew. Actually ant loves Honeydew. So treehopper and ants make agreement like ‘ If you protectContinue reading “Why ants are wait behind treehopper!”

Can you believe!|about insects

Hey guys, one of my favorite creatures “insects”, when i take insect photos, like to know about insects. In same way, i search and collect some fun but interesting fact about insects. Check it and enjoy! Guys may be you could love after read this bolg. 1. Caterpillars has 12 eyes. Is this true? YahContinue reading “Can you believe!|about insects”

Green lynx spider(Peucetia Viridans)

Hi everyone, today morning i went to my garden, have some plant then check it all. On that moment i can see beautiful cute spider that’s two green lynx spider. I think they are couple. I explore some interesting facts green lynx spider here and I check it every day after somedays i can seeContinue reading “Green lynx spider(Peucetia Viridans)”

Insect photography: species of jumping spider

More than 43,000 species of spider in this world. Actually spider is not insect (we will see in next blog about spider). It has 8 eyes mostly 6 eyes are there, 8 legs. Some species has Venom but simply quite so will not affect human, some species has powerful venom. I just say about jumpingContinue reading “Insect photography: species of jumping spider”

5 useful tips for insects photography

Insects are beautiful creatures either you agree or not. It’s definitely cute. Many pepole focus to take wild animal, birds,architectures but forget to admire insects. My favourite also insects. Now Let’s know about 5 tips for insects photography. 1. What is best time to capture insects? Definitely best time is morning and evening. Because insectsContinue reading “5 useful tips for insects photography”

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